The Christian Has God As His God

Emmanuel Nogueda
2 min readNov 23, 2020

“Blessed are the people whose God is the Lord!”

‭‭(Psalm‬ ‭144:15‬b)

Saint, you are blessed! Your Lord is Yahweh! It is He who created the universe and all things therein. It is He who sent His only Son to die on the cross on your behalf. It is He who has given you His Holy Spirit, and whom you will worship for all of eternity!

Who else outside of the household of faith can say that their god created all things and sustains all things and actually be right? Who else outside of the faith can say that their god died for them to redeem them and actually be speaking absolute truth? Who else outside of the faith can say that their god is living and active, and is pleased to dwell with their creatures and actually be in line with reality? None but the christian can.

Beloved, did you come to know the Lord on your own? Did you make yourself believe? Do you ordain all things by the counsel of your will for your good? Did you pay your ransom? Do you provide for yourself? Is there anything that you can do, from start to finish, that you can take credit for? It’s all the Lord God!

It is God who cares, protects, and provides for you. It is God who began a good work in you and will bring it to full completion on the day of Jesus Christ. It is God who has unconditional love for you enough to work all things in your life for your benefit. It is God who is pleased with you, listens to your prayer, and delights in your fellowship with Him.

It’ll take an eternity to recount all of His deeds and all of His favor upon His people, and surely we shall spend an eternity in heaven worshipping Him in heaven for it. Can anyone who is not a Christian say anything of these things and things that time simply does not allow us?

Christian, you are blessed beyond human comprehension. The Lord God is your God and that begs the question: are you happy in this Jesus? In addition, are you happy in His Person and character? Are you rejoicing in His promises? His gifts? His gospel? No other god exists that can bless you as the Lord Christ has blessed you, beloved. Surely you are blessed.

I love you all.

